
aydk大约 6 分钟



editor = monaco.editor.create(editorRef.value, {
    value: 'My to-do list:\n* buy milk\n* buy coffee\n* write awesome code',
    language: "javascript",
    fixedOverflowWidgets: true


        "alias":"Go to Next Difference",
        "label":"Go to Next Difference"
        "alias":"Go to Previous Difference",
        "label":"Go to Previous Difference"
        "alias":"Set Selection Anchor",
        "label":"Set Selection Anchor"
        "alias":"Go to Selection Anchor",
        "label":"Go to Selection Anchor"
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        "label":"Select from Anchor to Cursor"
        "alias":"Cancel Selection Anchor",
        "label":"Cancel Selection Anchor"
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        "label":"Transpose Letters"
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        "label":"Copy With Syntax Highlighting"
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        "label":"Quick Fix..."
        "alias":"Source Action...",
        "label":"Source Action..."
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        "label":"Organize Imports"
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        "label":"Auto Fix..."
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        "label":"Show CodeLens Commands For Current Line"
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        "label":"Go to Next Problem (Error, Warning, Info)"
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        "label":"Go to Previous Problem (Error, Warning, Info)"
        "alias":"Go to Next Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)",
        "label":"Go to Next Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)"
        "alias":"Go to Previous Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)",
        "label":"Go to Previous Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)"
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        "label":"Developer: Force Retokenize"
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        "label":"Disable highlighting of non basic ASCII characters"
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        "label":"Trigger Symbol Highlight"
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        "alias":"Show Accessibility Help",
        "label":"Show Accessibility Help"
        "alias":"Developer: Inspect Tokens",
        "label":"Developer: Inspect Tokens"
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        "label":"Go to Line/Column..."
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        "label":"Go to Symbol..."
        "alias":"Command Palette",
        "label":"Command Palette"
        "alias":"Toggle High Contrast Theme",
        "label":"Toggle High Contrast Theme"